Offer your
St John the Baptist Church © Paul Gardner
We are grateful for the support of the following charities and organisations who have provided funds or other resources towards our projects:
- Heritage Lottery Fund
- Historic England
- City of Culture Trust
- Orchis Ltd
- The Headley Trust
- William A Cadbury Charitable Trust
- Finnis Scott Foundation
- Coventry Umbrella Club
- WMG, University of Warwick
To achieve our aim of sharing knowledge about Coventry’s medieval history to a wide audience using new, multimedia approaches, we also welcome support from individuals, groups and businesses.
If you would like to make a donation towards our work, you can do so by using the BACS online bank transfer facility:
Bank name: Barclays
Account name: Medieval Coventry
Account: 50745413
Sort code: 20 45 45
Medieval Coventry registered charity no.1171572